December 4, 2011

Barney the Purple Dinosaur Goes on Vacation

Ok, anyone who knows our family, knows that my son is OBSESSED with Noah.  When he was about 1 1/2, he was accidentally introduced to Barney.  He was watching PBS and Barney came on tv.  From that point on, he ate, slept, and breathed BARNEY.  His 2nd birthday party was decked out in purple and green; he received TONS of gifts that were all Barney related.  All of my friends ALWAYS had something to say about Noah watching Barney, but it's what he liked.  Barney reinforced colors, numbers, ABC's, manners, and so many other things to Noah.  (SIDE NOTE: If your child likes something and it isn't inappropriate for them, let them watch it.  Don't worry about what everyone else thinks about it).  I complained to my friends about Noah watching Barney all day everyday and I looked forward to the day when Noah would be OVER Barney.  Well friends and family, that day has arrived; well sort of.

When we received our ipad2, Nick let Noah watch Barney on it.  Well, Noah accidentally started watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.  He started going around the house yelling "Oh, Toodle."  We had no idea what he was talking about.  One day, Nick went to put on a Barney episode on the ipad and Noah looks him in the face and says, "I can't like Barney, I want my Mickey."  To say we were both SHOCKED was an understatement.  Now, everything is all about Mickey; he has Mickey pj's, Mickey stickers, Mickey DVD's, and Mickey toys.  Just the other night, Nick was in the kitchen and asked Noah  to get something;  Noah yells out from the living room, "Noah busy. I watching my Mickey Mouse."  It was so funny, especially how he went from third person to first person.  We went into Toys R Us (I'll save that whole experience for another blog post) and I purposely went down the aisle with a lot of Barney stuff.  Noah got really excited and was pointing out all the Barney characters, but he didn't want to keep anything we handed him.  He told us he wanted to see Mickey stuff.

I thought I we were Barney free until last night, when he asked to watch one of his Barney DVD's.  Luckily, instead of watching it five times, he only watched it once and then asked to watch Mickey.  Ever since we bought him a new Mickey movie (bought on Thursday), I kid you not, we have seen this DVD 46 times.  Honestly, it's better than hearing the Barney song over and over, so until he moves on to the next thing, I am okay with Mickey.

                                        Noah watching Mickey Mouse in his Mickey pj's 

                        Noah hopes Santa brings him a lot of Mickey Mouse stuff for Christmas

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