December 2, 2011

The Ornament Bandit

Ever since we put the Christmas tree up, my 10 month old Jordyn (Jmak) has been fascinated with the tree. Nick and I will come in the living room and notice that two particular ornaments are always missing from the tree.  We find them in the fireplace, under a chair, or by the tv.  We know who it is, but have no proof.  So, today I decided to investigate this suspicious crime.  Our prime suspect is Jordyn MaKenzie.  I present my case:

                                                  Trying to kiss up to mommy...hmm suspect

Scoping out the scene (with a smirk)

Checking for witnesses

GOTCHA!!!! Snatching the ornament

Trying to flee the scene of the crime, she realized she was caught, so she just smiled at me.

PUNISHMENT: After careful deliberation, the judge (me) decided to give her kisses!!!

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