December 8, 2011

Thankful Thursday Dinner Menu: Roasted Chicken and Roasted Potatoes

Why go to the local grocery store deli and buy a roasted chicken when you can make one on your own? Every time I go to Publix, I can't help but to smell the delicious aroma of their roasted chickens.  Last night, I decided to make one of my own.  I purchased a whole chicken for $4.34.  This is a really simple recipe and only took about 1 1/2 to cook.  It came out juicy and it had a lot of flavor.  I didn't have to go to the oven every 20 minutes to baste it either.  I let it cook and it still came out great.  My husband had two plates, my son (2) and my daughter (10months), both ate all of their food and wanted more.  Today, I will use the leftover chicken and make some sandwiches for lunch.  For side items, I had roasted potatoes and a salad.  I hope you enjoy!  

Roasted Chicken: Ingredients- Whole Chicken, 1 small onion, celery, 1 lemon, seasoning, and butter

Instructions: Step ONE- Preheat your oven to 475 degrees.  Wash your chicken (take out the bag that's in the middle) and then pat it dry.  Melt some butter in the microwave.  Using a pastry brush, brush butter all over the chicken (back, sides, everything).  Then season your chicken with whatever you like (I used Pampered Chef Italian Seasoning, black pepper, and garlic powder.  I seasoned the inside of my chicken, the outside, the wings, and anywhere else that needed some flavor.
 Step TWO- Spray a baking pan (I used my Pampered Chef rectangular baker) with cooking spray.  Chop your onion and celery (big chunks) and then place it in the pan.  Then take your seasoned chicken and put it in the baking pan.  Let the chicken cook on 475 degrees for about 25 minutes.  Then, change your oven temperature to 400 degrees and let your chicken cook for about an hour.  

Step THREE- When your chicken is done cooking, don't cut it right away.  Let it stand for about 5-10 minutes and then cut it.  Serve and enjoy!!
Roasted Potatoes: Ingredients- Butter, seasoning, and potatoes

Instructions: Step ONE- Preheat oven to 400 degrees.  Cut your potato lengthwise in half.  Then each half in quarters (lengthwise).  In a baking pan (I used my Pampered Chef Round Baking Stone), spray it with cooking oil.  In a separate bowl, pour about 3tbsp of melted butter all over the potatoes, then season your potatoes (I used garlic powder, black pepper, and season all).  Mix really well and then pour potatoes into the baking dish.  

Step TWO- Bake in a preheated oven for about 40-45 minutes.  Be sure to stir your potatoes after about 15 minutes. (*S.N.- WHEN I HAD TO CHANGE MY OVEN TEMPERATURE TO 400 DEGREES, THAT'S WHEN I PUT MY POTATOES IN).  After they come out, let them stand for about 2-5 minutes and then serve!

Again, this is a hearty, delicious, and simple dinner menu.  It's great on any day of the week.  Happy Cooking!

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