Jeffery and Jordyn |

Yesterday was a very long day. The whole family loaded up the car and drove to Denmark to spend the day with my brother. He is a college basketball player and it was time for us to see a game this season. It has been really hard seeing him play this year, just because of all the travel. The whole way to Denmark, Noah kept saying how he wanted to go see "Uncle basketball game." When we arrived, we made lunch at his house (shrimp and fries). Nick decided to get a second helping of fries and ate what was left; well Noah came out of the room (watching Mickey Mouse) and said he wanted more fries. Nick and I both looked at each other and started laughing, because as Noah said this, Nick was eating the very last fry. Luckily, I had some yogurt and scooby snacks on the side for him and that was good enough (WHEW).
When we arrived at the gym, Noah's face lit up. Someone gave him a ball and he started shooting the ball and trying to dribble. Jordyn was another one walking all on the court, chasing after the ball. Both of them had such a great time. My brother played really well (lots of rebounds, assists, and he scored in the double digits). The team won their game and now their record is 8-3. I'm so proud him and the rest of the Tigers!
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