February 20, 2012

Homemade Rice Crispy Treats

I did not know this recipe was SOOOOO easy to make.  Honestly, homemade rice crispy treats are way better than store bought.  You can make these treats for any Holiday (Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day, Fourth of July, Christmas, etc.).  I made these on Valentine's Day, but I plan on going to the store, buying some green food coloring or green marshmallows and making this for St. Patrick's Day.  The kids helps me cut out the shapes and like I stated above, better than store bought.  Happy cooking and eating everyone!

Recipe: Homemade Rice Crispy Treats

6 cups Rice Crispies
1 regular size bag of marshmallows (white or if you want to make a themed type, try to find that color marshmallows)
1/4 cup of butter

Cooking Spray
Food coloring (optional)

1. Melt the 1/4 cup of butter in a pan over medium heat

2. Once the butter has melted, add the bag of marshmallows and stir to coat in well in butter

3. Once marshmallows are completely melted, add the 6 cups of crispy rice. Stir completely to evenly coat.

4. Cover 13 x 9 pan with foil or butcher paper and spray with cooking spray or use butter to coat the bottom of the pan.  Spread mixture in pan. After about 3 minutes, place on a large cutting board.  Use your cookie cutters to cut out the shapes you want. 


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